Do you want to create a Spiritual Painting Practice?
TARA the Goddess of Liberation & Compassion
This is an invitation into new levels of personal freedom.
Freya = FREE-ya
I love the energy of freedom so much! So it was really fun when a friend pointed out that the last name I received for myself after the end of my marriage in 2012 had this hidden meaning. What I know for sure is that feeling the energy of freedom and enjoying a new facet of your own personal liberation is very accessible. Tara is one of our greatest allies on this journey and I am so looking forward to exploring this subject with you.
Since 1996, when I opened an art center on blind faith, with zero art training and completely led by an intuitive knowing that we were meant to live our lives as art, ourselves each as the Life Artist, I have been exploring my own inner landscapes and guiding others to do the same through a SACRED painting practice.
My spiritual journey accelerated exponentially when I began to integrate the ideas & teachings from the books I was reading with what I was painting.
I learned that any of the spiritual teachings could be experienced at the canvas.
...the power of my intuition,
...the law of detachment,
...the infinite possibilities available to me (symbolized perfectly in the blank canvas), inner critic and how to release that voice in place of my inner cheerleader,
...unconditional self-love,
...the synchronicities and coincidences that happen through the language of imagery and symbolism,
...the power of sacred symbols to alte my energetic space to align with more of what I want to create into my life,
...the Law of Attraction through painting sacred symbols,
...the holographic nature of reality, the part contains the whole,
...quantum leaps in consciousness,
...meditation as I paint, life transforms when I focus on beauty and what I desire,
...the power of intention, self-awareness around my limiting beliefs or outdated stories, to love the “mistakes,” to be more courageous,
...the law of pure potentiality,
...and so much more!
“The most important decision we make is whether we believe we live in a friendly or hostile universe.” ~Albert Einstein
Right now we each have the opportunity to look at life from two different perspectives:
What I know for sure is that we are living in tremendously creative times. Everything is coming to the surface, out of the shadows and into the light, so we can each choose how to proceed clearly, with all the cards on the table.
It is painfully clear that we can not go back to “the way things were.” Change is everywhere. The universe is demanding that we move into our creative center, our heARTs, and create the change we want to see in our world.
What we learn at the canvas, about ourselves, about how we create, where we get stuck, what all is actually available to us, and the infinite nature of what is possible will illuminate our highest path, both individually and collectively, moving forward.
In September 2020 the “PLAN” (ha ha) was to host a special edition of my Buddha Painting Program. What came through so powerfully is the call to connect to the feminine expression of Buddha, Green Tara.
Within moments of receiving the inspiration to paint a Tara instead of a Buddha for this September event, I remembered that there are 21 aspects of TARA.
Hmmm… a 22 Day Challenge…
We are being called to paint each aspect of TARA, weaving our energies and consciousness into the strength, wisdom and protective energies of THE Goddess of Compassion.
So, I found a wonderful book that takes us through each of the aspects, and with this book and TARA herself as my guide, I created this experience to share with you.
In this course, I model for you exactly how to weave together your spiritual and painting practice.
You will learn SO much about yourself as you learn about the divine feminine qualities as modeled in TARA. We were not taught the divine feminine super powers growing up. It was all about the masculine qualities of strength, speed and grit.
YOU have divine feminine qualities that will transform your life.
Tara wants to guide you on this journey.
She wants to provide for you a refuge within which you can remember your interconnectedness to all sentient beings and the influence YOUR energy and consciousness can have in our world.
The problems surrounding us are overwhelming. It can be difficult to discern how you can make a difference, right?
The great news is that by you simply raising your vibration, you change your world. It starts within and ripples out in infinite ways.
In each lesson in this course, you will meditate on and paint a different aspect of TARA.
You will learn her story, how when her enlightened state was discovered, along with her gender, she was told by the “wise men” to hurry up and reincarnate as a man. They didn’t believe women were capable of enlightenment.
She threatened their structures.
Well, it is time for women, for the divine feminine, to rise up once again.
She replied, “Oh HE#L no! Not only will I not come back as a man, but I will remain on this eARTh as a woman, as the energy of the divine feminine, until all sentient beings have achieved enlightenment.”
TARA is very close.
TARA is very active.
TARA is ready right now to move through you.
"I LOVED this challenge so much. I never thought I was an artist but as the days progressed, I found myself getting more and more confident. At 46, I have tapped into an artist I didn't know was inside of me. I have been going through a really tough time recently and painting has given me a place of peace. It’s helped me deal with so many emotions. I feel so blessed and thankful for this program. I am completely obsessed with painting now. I am doing the Tara challenge now and loving being a part of this journey. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! XO"
- Charity Murphy
-You will paint an “altar” to TARA.
-You will paint an acrylic, multi-layered, mixed media, energetic painting of TARA.
-You will learn painting techniques that are both practical and spiritual.
-You will learn about TARA and all 21 aspects of TARA.
-You will learn more about yourself, what is available to you and all that is possible when we open up to the support and protection of the divine feminine.
-You will become stronger, more courageous, and more self-expressive.
-Your authentic self will take even more of your “center stage” as you understand new facets of your own personal super powers.
-You will learn about mudras and mantras and the sacred symbolism surrounding TARA.
-You will paint to guided meditations, exploring a whole new way to cultivate inner peace and self-confidence.
-You will illuminate your own inner buddha nature, the core teaching of Buddhism--that we can each achieve buddha-hood.
I am not a Buddhist.
I am not an expert in TARA practice.
I AM a Life Artist who understands the alchemical process of creating art with the intention of creating the highest level of change in the art that is my life.
Since 1996, I have experienced SO many facets of the magic of the canvas when allowed to dance with my spirituality. And it is my supreme joy and highest calling to create a safe, sacred space within which your creative spirit and your highest vibration self can be seen and heard. Magic always happens.
This course has been, as have all of my courses, divinely led. TARA is ready and waiting to help you release whatever is being called to release, to help you to feel the connection and the power of her consciousness and that of all enlightened beings, to help you to overcome negative energies, old stories, limiting beliefs, obstacles and challenges, to help you to forgive, to love and to BE the energy of compassion.
And, as always, I promise it will be FUN!

1. When does the course begin?
The 22 Day TARA Painting Meditation Course is always open; however, there will be live launches every so often throughout the year and you are more than welcome to join these live launches. Once you have joined the challenge, the content is available to you for the lifetime of the course.
2. How long do I have access to the course?
How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.
3. Do I need any painting experience?
Absolutely not. This course is designed for complete beginners and more experienced painters alike. This course is about your sacred painting practice, which is independent of “skill” or ”talent.” If you are alive on this planet right now you are here to create the art that is your life. This painting practice is just as inclusive. In the course, Whitney is painting with acrylic paints (supply list available for preview in the Course Curriculum section below) and since we are painting 22 prompts on one painting, acrylics are best because of how they cover up previous layers. You COULD do this with watercolors, however you may want to bring in some acrylics at the end or get creative with layering watercolor paper on top of watercolor paper towards the end.
4. How much time do I need for the course each day?
Each video lesson is approximately 30 minutes long. It includes 2 parts: a guided meditation set to Whitney Freya painting her personal TARA altar painting, and painting lesson in technique as she paints a second TARA painting that will be gifted to one of the Life Artists who participates in this course. More info below…
5. What supplies do I need?
A canvas, acrylic paints, brushes, patterned tissue paper or paper...mixed media type supplies that you probably already have. A more detailed supply list is listed below.
6. What is the book you are using for the course and do I need to purchase it?
The book is TARA, The Liberating Power of the Female Buddha, by Rachael Wooten. I am loving this book and highly recommend it. You can purchase it on Amazon HERE. There is SO much more to explore in this book. You do NOT need it for the course. You may decide after you paint TARA that you do want to go deeper into a TARA Practice and then buy the book. Or if you are a book-fiend like me, you can buy it now and go through each chapter, each aspect of TARA, each day of the challenge.
Excerpts from “Tara” Copyright © 2020 Rachael Wooten, used with permission from the author and the publisher, Sounds True, Inc.
7. What if I am unhappy with the course?
We would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, contact us in the first 30 days and we will give you a full refund.
Start💥IMPORTANT💥 Do this to receive invite to FREE events...
PreviewWelcome Video & Supply List (14:55)
StartLive Zoom events with Whitney Freya
PreviewVideo: Tips for Beginner Acrylic Painters (14:18)
StartRachael Wooten & Whitney Freya discuss tips for your TARA Practice
PreviewRachael Wooten TARA Circle Recording
PreviewTARA Paintings . THE BOOK! A collection of paintings from this course.
Thank you to Robyn Sieverding, a TARA studio member, for creating this video of her TARA painting progression!
As always, you join my programs because you feel called.
You feel your Spirit nudging you towards devoting more time to your creative practice. You sense that this experience will lead to something new, that it will prepare you for the change you have been desiring, or the inner peace you have been craving.
You may be ready for a personal liberation! A new freedom that comes from connecting to the supreme brilliance that you are, that I know you are, that you and I will illuminate even more together in this program.
Maybe you’ve been a wanna-be artist like I was, until I opened my art center in 1996. I hadn’t even painted on a canvas when I opened the doors! That’s when my magical life began and it can begin now for you--or begin again!
Maybe you let go of your creative practice when you got the “real job” or had children or… life got in the way. Now you are being beckoned back to your creative self, but in a way that is deeper, more meaningful and transformative.
Maybe you have been painting, learning, exploring technique and you are ready to create from your most authentic self, in your own style. This practice demands that because YOU are unique and divine and full of creative possibility. I honor and nurture that in this course.
Maybe TARA has been “coming up” (or she will in the next 24 hours) and this is a “crazy coincidence” that you are even here--this happens SO much! I love it!
Maybe… the TIME IS NOW.
Let’s empower ourselves in community, as a creative collective of Life Artists, to lean into the mystery, to choose love, to imagine all the potential our world has right now, to dive into new reservoirs of inner peace and personal power so that we can share this energy with “all sentient beings.”
You, me, TARA and us. Together we rise.
And so it is.
Get started now!