AIR Lesson 1

We begin our quest in the element of AIR.

Air is the domain of our consciousness.

Air is…

…our mental energies,

…the energy of communication,

…through which travels, sound, vibration & tone,


Your Vision Quest begins with getting to know the “explorer” side of you, your intuitive self, your way of thinking, the part of your mind, with which you will communicate throughout your Vision Quest.

In AIR, we are going to prepare your MENTAL LANDSCAPE so that it becomes fertile ground for your Vision Quest.

Vision Quest . The Creatively Fit Program is here to create BALANCE with your logical mind and your intuitive mind.

This experience is not meant to be LOGICAL. You have that covered. With the element of air, we allow and open to the gentle breezes of change to gently clear space within you to make room for an entirely new way of KNOWING.

Let’s bring you HERE now…

When you were a child, every day was a quest!

You loved to paint and draw.

You were fearless and knew no shame, obligation or conformity. You were fully you.

But that didn’t last long…did it?

BECAUSE of how our minds work,

YOU can develop "magical" mental abilities to CREATE the change you want to see in your world from

SIMPLY creating change on paper, creating change in your routine,

creating change in how you listen to the two voices within your mind.

The art journal and canvas

become portals back to the consciousness

you were immersed within as a child.

It is that child that is still connected to your Soul.

Imagine that, up until now, you had only been given 2 colors on your life’s “palette”…

You DO NOT have to be creative to Vision Quest.

In fact, the less creative you think you are, the MORE your Vision Quest

will provide the necessary CONTRAST in your life needed to create the change you desire. Dive in and have FUN!

Each Lesson has a WORD, MEDIA and ART element, or chapters.

In the WORD Element we intend to inspire different ways of thinking about the familiar. We invite you to then write your musings in your own journal.

Why do we lose touch with our Artist Within?

When you were a child, you created fearlessly. You were not afraid of a blank piece of paper and you showed off your creations to anyone in the room. Your imagination was celebrated and life was play.

Then, you got down to work. School celebrated the logical mind, and as you learned to read and write your Artist Within was forced to withdraw further and further back into your unconscious mind. You decided, “I’m not creative” because there was no logic to support that you were creative—it was not taught or recognized.


This is part of the QUEST! Everything is working out perfectly because now we GET TO experience living from a predominantly logical perspective SO THAT we can choose to REMEMBER what it means to live mindFULLy!!

In his book Zen and the Art of Making a Living, Laurence G. Boldt shares the quote from Nietzsche above and then writes this:

"Some may find it hard to accept that Nietzsche's statement applies to them, yet we will insist throughout this book that every man and woman is, in potential, an artist and, when living authentically, one indeed."

For me, this tremendous journey all started with this breakthrough concept of ourselves, as people trying to find our niche, our passion, our true purpose in life, needing to embrace our "artist mentality", not so that we would all paint on canvas and hang our work in a gallery, but so that we would take responsibility for the role we play in creating our lives, independent from society's prescribed course.

In other words, if we stopped listening to the way everyone else tells us we should do things and really follow our heart and what our Artist Within wants to express in this lifetime, THEN we will be able to create the life we were intended to live.

In his book, Creativity, Where the Divine & the Human Meet, Matthew Fox writes:


Right now, I want you to write in your Creatively Fit journal,

"I am the ARTIST of my life."

Write it 20 times if that is how many it takes to silence the little whisper,

"No you are not." YOU are an ARTIST. YOU are an artist. YOU are an ARTIST.

Your medium? Your words, your actions, & your thoughts. These are your paints.

These are the colors that color your day. This is the language of your Artist Within.

I want you to watch the 18 minute talk by Dr. Jill Bolte-Taylor, author of the book My Stroke of Insight.

She got to know her right brain voice through a dramatic life experience--a stroke! Her talk is breathtaking! Enjoy!

Simply click on the link below and prepare to get so, so fired up to meet your "right hemisphere".

~allow 20 minutes~

I have a very simple Creativity Workout for you to create right now.

This is a wonderful exercise to do whenever you are feeling distracted or worried. It will bring you present. It can be a wonderful exercise to do during a workshop--after lunch, for example, to guide your participants back to their inner world, their inner QUEST.

Video Lesson (same video as at the top of the page)

This "workout" is one of the simplest AND most effective. You simply want to "doodle" (do NOT try to draw anything that looks like anything) until the entire page is covered with marks you made in just that ONE color. To choose the COLOR simply look at your selection of markers or pastels and choose whichever color looks the "yummiest". Don't think--just reach for the color that is attracting your eye!

Next, look at a clock and decide to spend the full ten minutes. Then, WATCH for the point when your mind shifts from, "Oh, I have so many other things to do!" to "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh."

Seriously, it will happen. How do I know this? Because your left brain DOES NOT understand this exercise. It is not within its realm of functions. So, it HAS TO check out and your right brain HAS TO check in. You become completely PRESENT, and in the present moment you are covering a page with color. Voila!


This week you are going to:

1. Accept that "I am the ARTIST of my life."

2. Watch the Dr. Jill video on


3. Work out your right brain muscle with the Cover a Page With Color exercise.

4. Set your intention.

My intention for my Vision Quest is ______________________.

Please share your images in the comments below.

Enjoy your VISION QUEST -- It has only begun.

Creative wishes,

Art by Creatively Fit Coach, Cindy Butler.

Simple is good too! Art by CCFC Karen Castilon.

Dare to DOODLE! Art by CCFC Sandy Combs-Martin.

P.S. The downloadable PDF below may have some different images AND if you want a downloadable version it is perfect! Thank you!

Vision Quest MYAW Lesson #1.pdf
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