I AM the Unstoppable Dream

A 7 Month Deep Dive into Your Soul-FULL Self

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Watch this video first! In 2025 we Celebrate ALIGNMENT to call in our Unstoppable Self!

Are you ready to feel Unstoppable? It is a spiritual journey... #unstoppabledream

SPECIAL New Year's Invitation!

Join UNSTOPPABLE at a sliding scale... scroll down for details.

This is a deep dive into who you are as an Infinite Being and

how to integrate all the magic & mystery in order to manifest

a life that feels like a dream come true!

In 2025, as a collective, we are ALIGNING with our UNSTOPPABLENESS!

You are meant to live life in a co-creative relationship with the Infinite, the Universe, the field of pure possibility.

When we live from the perspective of a human being who has a spiritual life, we are depriving ourselves of personal power, power sourced from our Infinite Self. To step into your fullest, most authentic expression we want to inhabit fully the imaginal realm and allow it to flow through us into this physical reality.

It is a journey into a new level of personal coherence: where your thoughts, words, ideas, actions and dreams are in alignment with all that is available to You.

This teaching that has been given to me is to remind you how to care for yourself as a VIBRATIONAL BEING.

Everything is energy. And everything is energy BEFORE it condenses into matter. You can choose to create the energy that IS YOU from the inside out. When you do, you become the sole creator of your experience. With the new awareness you will gain in this course, you will be even more empowered to create your life experience YOUR WAY.

When you join this program, you want to allow at least 7 months and you get to enjoy a community and content that will guide you on your highest path, dreaming into reality your deepest desires and wildest ideas, supported by the infinite field of possibility for the lifetime of this course. It is through this co-creative relationship that you become Unstoppable.

If you are a woman in recovery & would enjoy this experience in a private group with other women in recovery, please CLICK HERE to learn more about the Unstoppable Dream Recovery Coach Training and our Unstoppable Dream Circles that are available through certified Unstoppable Dream Recovery Coaches.

I AM the Unstoppable Dream, the online program, first launched in February 2020. Since then, my latest book 30 Days to Unstoppable, Be the Dream Made Visible, has been published and has inspired this program that you can join any time.

When you enroll in this course, you also receive access to my other soul-inspired course, and inspiration for my 3rd book, Rise Above, Free Your Mind One Brush Stroke at a Time, Super Soul Flow, The Meditation Course.

I have created a curriculum that guides you through a 7 step spiritual awakening, pulling from these two online courses, my latest book, The 7 Laws of the Universe and a community that is leaning into their heARTs. TOGETHER we are so much more.

We all know that the time is NOW to finally release any energies, beliefs, patterns, or stories that have been holding you back from living your most magical life.

I work with hundreds of people every year and I see you as you want to be. I see you already living the life you have, up until now, only dreamed of living.

TIP: You wouldn't be dreaming it if it wasn't meant to happen.

I know that your dreams are not just your own.

They are being GIVEN to you to create into this physical reality.

When you #1 realize this truth,

#2 release the filters that are blocking you from believing in your dream

110% (the patterns of self-doubt, the inner critic, the language that

creates limitations on top of obstacles on top of challenges...),

#3 and bring yourself into coherence with the laws of the Universe...


In I AM the Unstoppable Dream, we will begin drawing the Flower of Life, leading into the source of all matter, Metatron's Cube. Alongside this creative practice, you will learn a guided meditation to connect you to the "Six Spheres of Wellness," creating within and around you such a high vibration that any dream you receive HAS TO come true.

The secret to miracle making and dream manifesting is to raise the vibration of your physical and energetic bodies to levels that attract high vibration, creative impulses from the quantum field. Like attracts like.

As you surround yourself with your "spheres" full of love, compassion, courage, alignment, gratitude and presence, and learn to align with these energies, you can't help but reflect the infinite nature of our Universe and become a co-creator with the quantum field.

Of course, we paint. You will paint a mandala painting layered with your intentions and your Unstoppable Dreams!

Here are some examples of mandalas created by participants in this course...

Artists: Kim Sales, Antonella Bargione, Whitney Freya, Angela Murray (clockwise, starting from top left).

In Super Soul Flow you learn a complimentary meditation technique in which you connect to the aspect of you that is already where you want to be, who has already "figured it out," and who knows exactly what you need right now. With each meditation, you add to your Super Soul Flow canvas and finish it with your "wings!"

Here is participant, Aimeth Aguilar in front of her Super Soul Flow canvas!

In each of the 7 steps we will explore one of the 7 Laws of the Universe, bringing you into complete coherence, to ensure that you have all the supportive energies available to you at your back.

You also join our monthly Whitney Freya Studio Zooms for deeper integration.

The detail and magic of the sacred geometry we are engaging...

...at all levels of this course, merged with the alchemical nature

of the blank canvas,

the book 30 Days to Unstoppable,

color and form, create a portal.

You will paint a mandala of epic proportions

that will transport you to your UNSTOPPABLE YOU!

With this course, I invite anyone who is interested in achieving radical levels of self-awareness and personal sovereignty into circle with me and the field of miracle making.

You will create and align yourself to higher and higher levels of love + light.

You will meditate to rise above fears and worries that are not harmonious with the "Six Spheres of Wellness."

You will paint to connect to your highest creative frequency from which YOU become the Unstoppable Dream.

You will join in sacred circle with other Rainbow Warriors who know that when enough of us remember that we are truly creating our reality in each moment, we will experience the shift from fear to love.

Your Coach

Whitney Freya
Whitney Freya

Whitney Freya is a published author, artist, entrepreneur & creative muse. Her latest book is Rise Above, Free Your Mind One Brush Stroke at a Time. It is an explosion of color, painting prompts and inspirational teaching for Life Artists! Her unique approach to personal creativity has garnered her international media attention, including CBS news & appearances alongside Dr. Wayne Dyer, Donna Eden & more. She leads her international team of Creatively Fit Coaches who share her passion for living life as art. Whitney Freya has taught at The Esalen Institute, around the world at creativity conferences, Burning Man, Awesomeness Fest, and at Agape Spiritual Center. A % of her biz proceeds goes to supporting five children at R.I.S.E. Orphanage in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico and two women through the Women for Women Foundation.

Whitney Freya is the creatress behind all the programs here on Teachable. She is supported in Vision Quest + Super Soul Flow by CCFC Master Coach Angela Murray. She devotes her 1-on-1 and personal attention to her Creatively Fit Coaches (in training) and her 1-on-1 clients. Be sure to check out her YOUtube channel as well.


Feelings of security & safety are going to come more and more from within. As the external world continues to shift and transform, many of the old systems crumbling to make way for the new, your internal world is THE source of whatever you desire to experience in your life.

Your journey to living as a limited, physical being to living as an infinite, energetic being is the most important "trip" you will take this year.


  Q & A for Whitney Freya
Available in days
days after you enroll

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course start and finish?
You can start any time. You can choose to allow the 7 step structure to create a 7 month container for your transformation into You as the Unstoppable Dream or take as much time as you like. The time is now. If you want to live your most powerfully, experiencing one dream come true after another, what are you waiting for? This level of personal growth accelerates when you connect to a community who will not only support, but challenge you and when you are in the presence of those who are further ahead on the path. Together we create change so much faster than alone.
How long do I have access to the course?
As long as you are paying the subscription, you have access to all the course content. As long as you are enrolled in any of the online courses here at WhitneyFreyaStudio.com you can join us for our monthly Zoom gatherings.
What if I am unhappy with the course?
We would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, contact us in the first 30 days and we will give you a full refund.
How much time do I need each week to participate?
The course is organized into monthly modules with monthly group calls, guided meditations, painting prompts and so much more. How much time you spend is up to you and since you have lifetime access (to the group calls as well) you can allow yourself as much or as little time as you are able. Let's let go of the idea of "not enough time" or "enough time." YOU are an infinite being. The question for you is: What do you want? If you want radical, transformative, 180 degree kind of change in your life, I would recommend 30 minutes a day to 7 hours a week! If you want to expand and maintain (in an ever-expanding kind of way) your current spiritual growth, then perhaps one hour a week will be perfect for you. Can you give yourself the grace to follow your heART and allow this process to guide you? That is where we are headed together!
What if I am already enrolled in Super Soul Flow?
I am so grateful that you have joined me for Super Soul Flow. The price for I AM the Unstoppable Dream stands alone and SSF is included as a special gift to launch Whitney Freya's latest book, 30 Days to Unstoppable. Your price to join this program is the same.




Get started now!

If you are a woman in recovery & would enjoy this experience in a private group with other women in recovery, please CLICK HERE to enroll in and learn more about the Women in Recovery version of this course.

Get started now!