Welcome Video from Whitney Freya . Course TIPS . Meet Antonella Bargione

I AM so grateful you are joining me on this journey!

TIPS for How to Enjoy this Course

I want to give you some tips on how to move through this course.

If you like structure, details, and to KNOW what happens when and how and why... this is my attempt to create some happy inside you.

AND, please know that any patterns you have of holding on too tight to structure and trying to "control" your experience may be in the process of being transmuted into TRUST and greater FLOW in your life.

For example, I have learned, read, received from multiple sources, including my own guidance, lately that "Spirit" wants you and me to stay super present. Since the world is in such a rapid state of change on so many levels, looking ahead and planning ahead and wanting to know exactly what is ahead is counterproductive to your soul's journey. Your Infinite Self knows that there is a balance, being an Infinite Being in a human body, and staying present, asking and opening up to what is the VERY next step (rather than 10 or 100 steps ahead) is the easiest way to walk your highest path right now.

2025 is our YEAR of ALIGNMENT!

Alignment is one of my favorite "Spheres of Wellness" in this Unstoppable Journey. I am excited to step into greater & greater alignment alongside YOU!

When in doubt, go within. Meditate with the Unstoppable Dream meditation. Connect to your Six Spheres of Wellness and your next steps be clear.

Here's the easiest way to proceed in this course...

FIRST, create a 7 Month Container for your journey.

Whenever you join, first read / watch all the lessons in the Welcome Section.

Be sure to join our FB Group @WhitneyFreyaStudio to connect to this community in a dynamic, fun and intimate way!

You have lifetime access to this course, so you will be able to access everything for many, many months. So, be gentle and kind with yourself.

SECOND, each month experience each of the lessons in the order they are listed.

The order the lessons are in is intentional. For example, each month explores a different Sphere of Wellness, so that is always the first lesson. Then, we are allowing each of the 7 Laws of the Universe to inspire each month. So we want to understand the "Law of the Month" at the beginning of each month and allow it to integrate into our being as the month progresses.

THIRD, there are exceptions to every rule.

The ARTual (ART + ritual) lesson created by Antonella Bargione, one for each month, is intended to be an additional resource for you. You may sense that you FEEL CALLED to the ARTual lesson at the beginning, middle or end of the month. You may allow it to inspire more painting time. Remember, you are not being graded here.

Your "inner school girl/boy" that wants to do everything "right" is be transformed into your sense of personal sovereignty. You are meant to LIVE and CREATE and ENGAGE IN THIS COURSE your way! There is no right or wrong. There is just "what do I want right now?" Got it!? Permission to be true to your journey through this course.

If you have read 30 Days to Unstoppable, Be the Dream Made Visible, you could choose to just focus on the "ART:..." lessons and the Laws of the Universe lessons (which are also in the Companion Journal to 30 Days to Unstoppable.

FIFTH, have fun!

If you're not having fun. check in with yourself. This is meant to be fun. There may be some powerfully healing moments AND even that can be fun, once the tears have been released! You may want to revisit my JOY chapter in Rise Above. I wrote that after learning a BIG lesson and being overwhelmed by the energy of joy I received with the knowledge that I had, indeed, RISEN ABOVE one of life's dramas.

SIXTH, use the journal or a journal to reflect and expand your ability to witness yourself.

The Unstoppable Dream Journal (here in a downloadable format or available for purchase on amazon.com soon) is meant to create space for you to reflect on what you are "remembering" each month. Setting a monthly intention and reframing challenges or opportunities to come into greater coherence throughout the month is invaluable. I will try to keep this section updated as the journal becomes available in print.

SEVENTH, allow your copy of 30 Days to Unstoppable to compliment your experience here.

You do not need the book to do this course. And it is the perfect compliment. You can purchase your copy on Amazon.com.

This course is "evergreen," which means anyone can join anytime. And it will continue to evolve as we are called to enhance or change it and as we receive your feedback.

May this experience illuminate for you new personal power, magic, sovereignty, and UNSTOPPABLENESS. I have NO doubt at all that you are an Infinite Being here now in this physical body to be a part of this incredible transformation our planet is experiencing. It begins with each one of us going within to create love and harmony that it may ripple out and benefit all sentient beings. And so it is...

Yours in spirit,

Now, meet Antonella Bargione!

I asked Antonella to co-facilitate this course with me because in the winter of 2020, when we first experienced Unstoppable Dream so that I would write the book, Antonella shared SO much with the group. She is a beautiful ritualist and so she is leading up the ARTual portions of this experience.

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