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Unstoppable Dream Recovery Coach Training
Welcome to YOUR Unstoppable Dream Recovery Coaching Program!
Welcome Video from Tammy Roth & Whitney Freya
The Role of Frequency & Vibration in This Journey
Personal Intention Setting
Bi- Monthly RECOVERY COACH Call Zoom link
Zoom Recordings for FIRST COHORT (1570:34)
Zoom Recordings of SECOND COHORT (Jan 2024-July 2024) (699:55)
Join our Private FB Group
Supply List
Required Elements for Certification
Quantum Frequency Support: The HEALY (12:20)
You're Invited & Encouraged to attend....
Month ONE: Initiation into the Unstoppable Dream that is YOU
Sacred Feminine Month ONE Musings . Spaciousness
Gene Key 55
Sacred Geometry . Mystical Unity for Your Logical Mind
Meet the Spheres of Recovery
CREATIVITY: Constellation Cards
Optional Meditation Canvas for Your Journey
Contemplation Prompts for Month 1
Month TWO: The 1st Sphere of Wellness . LOVE and it's Shadow - FEAR
Intro to Meetings
Whitney & Tammy discuss Love & Fear (9:00)
Love and it's Shadow, Fear
Sacred Feminine Month TWO Musings . LOVE + FEAR
Triggers are Portals to Freedom
Constellation Cards - Let's See Yours!
Embodied Healing
CREATIVITY from I Am the Unstoppable Dream: Sacred Geometry . Drawing the Flower of Life (19:11)
Month THREE: The 2nd Spheres of Wellness . COMPASSION + JUDGMENT
Sacred Feminine Month THREE Musings . COMPASSION
"Homework" on Compassion & Judgment
Embodied Healing: Movement
CREATIVITY from IAUD: Sacred Geometry . Drawing Metatron's Cube
CREATIVITY from IAUD: Painting the Foundation of Your Mandala
Month FOUR . The 3rd Sphere of Wellness . COURAGE + COMPLACENCY
The THIRD Sphere of Wellness . COURAGE + COMPLACENCY
Video Message from Whitney & Tammy (8:24)
Sacred Feminine Month FOUR Musings . COURAGE
Guided Meditation . COURAGE (9:48)
CREATIVITY from IAUD . Adding Color to Your Unstoppable Dream
Month FIVE . The 4th Sphere of Wellness . ALIGNMENT / OUT OF INTEGRITY
Sacred Feminine Month FIVE Musings . ALIGNMENT
An Embodied Practice (2:21)
CREATIVITY from IAUD . Your Mandala Design (9:13)
Compassion + Alignment + Presence
Revisiting Gene Key 55
Month SIX . The 5th Sphere of Wellness . GRATITUDE / INABILITY TO RECEIVE
The FIFTH Sphere of Wellness . Gratitude / Inability to receive
Sacred Feminine Month SIX Musings . GRATITUDE
ART: Unstoppable Studio . Creating Portals of Possibility (21:07)
#1 Creative Biz Call with Whitney Freya
Month SEVEN . The 6th Sphere of Wellness . PRESENCE / DISTRACTION
The SIXTH Sphere of Wellness . Presence / Distraction (15:18)
Sacred Feminine Month SEVEN Musings . PRESENCE
Guided Meditation . YOU Are the Unstoppable Dream
ART: Unstoppable Studio . Maintaining Presence at the Canvas (7:46)
3 Ways to Cultivate Presence
#2 Creative Biz Call with Whitney Freya
BONUS . I AM the Unstoppable Dream
Unstoppable Studio . The Unveiling of Your Mandala (13:29)
Waking Meditation . BEING the Unstoppable Dream for Our World (27:44)
Your Unstoppable Dream Recovery Coach Business
Link to the Shared Google Drive
Weekly Calls: Themes/Prompts
Your Teachable Course
WEDNESDAY Collective Group Details
Offerings to Uplevel Your Clients' Experience
Abundance Mindset Shifts Whitney Freya made...
Sacred Feminine Month SIX Musings . GRATITUDE
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