The Creatively Fit Coaching Training is NOW the Creative Frequency Coaching Training!

Limited Availability! September 21st, 2024!

No Painting Experience Required...

...just an open mind & heART.

In the creation of this course, I was surprised over & over. I showed up at the canvas to film each lesson and was lovingly guided & delighted. As the external world gets more and more shaky, we are called to go within to RECLAIM our Creative Self, YOUR most authentic personal expression. YES!

Find out more by clicking the button below:

Reclaiming your SELF is a journey from the over-thinking, overwhelmed, over-conditioned mind to the inspired, present-moment, liberated heART. Let’s reMEMBER & reCLAIM the essence of who you are & what you are here to CREATE!

To support you along your journey of SELF-reclamation, Whitney will be sharing mind shift reminders to help you nurture thoughts that are in alignment with our collective journey in 2024.

@WhitneyFreya on Instagram and @WhitneyFreyaCanvas on FB.

Join her private FB Group @WhitneyFreyaStudio

2024 is guiding you within. As the external world becomes more discordant, you are prompted to source your sense of happiness & security from within. As you reclaim who YOU are, your essence, your most authentic SELF, you move through life CREATING what you love and what you need from the INSIDE out.

Join one of Whitney’s ONLINE COURSES now to learn how your painting practice wants to support your journey in 2024…

This is the course that led to my latest book 30 Days to Unstoppable, Be the Dream Made Visible.

In it you paint a most MAGICAL mandala-- you will see examples HERE. You will also learn a guided meditation practice that is truly life-changing!

We meet once a month on Zoom for guided meditations, inspired, authentic sharing, and much more.