Welcome from Whitney Freya

Welcome to the Buddha Painting Program with Whitney!

Frankly, the Buddha took me by surprise.

The first Buddha painting I did was in the last 2 hours of one of our 24 Hour Creativity Jams. It was 4:30a and I had been painting for 22 hours straight!

The most incredible part of it was how CALM I felt while I was painting the Buddha.

I am pretty sure that if there had been art stores when Buddha was sitting under the Bodhi Tree he would have painted.

How to get started on your own Buddha-Painting Journey:

  • Check out the Supply List for everything you need and a specific list of colors I recommend.
  • Enjoy each of the LESSONS available to view on this site or to DOWNLOAD.
  • All the Lessons 1-6 are available to you RIGHT NOW! Woohoo! You can paint away into the night, if you like.
  • At the bottom of each LESSON page is room for your comments. Please share your experience, any questions, insights…. Enjoy this creative and spirited community!
  • Watch the over 2 hours of video instruction. I take you right into my studio and share the ups and downs of the entire process. YOU can do this!!!
  • Scroll down through the PDF part of the lesson before you watch the videos. That way you will see the other options for the background, etc. You can paint MANY Buddhas.

Here is the first Buddha I painted…

Then, I painted this Buddha…

I can’t wait to see YOUR Buddha paintings and hear what Buddha whispered into your inner ear as you meditated on the color, form, and process. Join us on FACEBOOK and share your paintings.

Thank you for being Creatively Brave and sharing your journey with us here in the Whitney Freya Online "Studio"...where we gather for creative community.

Namaste, Whitney

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