Creatively Fit Coaching Training is Emerging as the ALL NEW

Creative Frequency Coaching Training

8.8.24 Registration OPENS

This ALL NEW Training begins September 21st, 2024,

enroll by September 25th (kick-off call is 9.2 @2p PST).

Course is limited to 35 people.

In 1996, with zero art training--I had not even painted on a canvas or taken an art class since I was 15-- I was deeply called to create a safe & inspiring space where people could come to learn how to create at the canvas so that what they learned in art class would inspire & empower the art that is their life.

I was 26 years old and committed to creating my own magical life. After graduating from the University of Michigan and going off to sell books door-to-door for the next 4 summers, I was VERY clear that life was MUCH more like a blank canvas than a multiple choice test!

I had been given the understanding in a moment of clarity, a classic ah-ha or lightbulb moment, that we are meant to live our lives as art. So, with money I made selling books door-to-door in Walla Walla, WA during the summer of 1995, I bought a run-down, crack house in an up and coming commercial neighborhood in Nashville, TN. After months of knuckle-swelling renovations, on May 1st, 1996 (over 25 years ago!), I opened The Creative Fitness Center.

Fast forward…

what we are experiencing today in this world is a result of forgetting the truth of our roles as Life Artists. We were conditioned to work, to achieve, to live up to others expectations, to fill roles that others deemed “appropriate,” and to expect life to be a battle, a struggle...and what the world needs now is to get Creatively Fit.

We are now remembering that we are ALL artists and that the art we are creating in each and every moment is our life and we are either doing it with or without awareness.

What we are experiencing right now is the result of the masses living and creating reality without awareness.

It will now take the masses to remember how to create life WITH awareness.

This is why, since 2010, I have been training individuals, other optimistic, idealistic, and action-oriented healer / teacher souls like me, who understand or feel, or who just know somehow inexplicably, that art making and life making and happiness and personal fulfillment can be seeded, expanded, and ultimately created into our life experience starting at the canvas.

It is SO MUCH MORE FUN to be a part of a movement, to create change together, in community, cheering each other on while celebrating our “wild & crazy” ideas! We are a tribe and we are opening up the training to dramatically expand our creative reach.

This could be exactly what you have been looking for!

The NEW Creative Frequency Coaching Training opens for registration 8.8.24.

If you are interested in learning how to develop (or expand) your own Sacred Personal Painting Practice that will empower and inspire you as a Life Artist and, then, in learning how to turn around and share this with others, making extra income along the way, then I have an invitation for you.

This Coaching Training is designed in a way that is super targeted to help you to inspire our world, to make money doing what you love, to serve and heal the world from our creative wounds.

Transformational times call for transformation on all levels. Join me to be a part of the POSITIVE ripple effect during these incredibly transformational times. Together we will step out even more courageously to share our heARTs and empower others to create change!

In 2021 we also created a "Creatively Fit Coaches" YouTube Channel to create a bigger platform for all CCFC! Watch the welcome video below...


When you make it your "work" to inspire and empower others...

When you STUDY how to open up to more & more of your Creative Spirit...

When you are constantly encouraging others to express themselves authentically, in full color...


Your Coach

Whitney Freya
Whitney Freya

Whitney Freya is a published author, artist, entrepreneur & creative muse. Her latest book is Rise Above, Free Your Mind One Brush Stroke at a Time. It is an explosion of color, painting prompts and inspirational teaching for Life Artists! Her unique approach to personal creativity has garnered her international media attention, including CBS news & appearances alongside Dr. Wayne Dyer, Donna Eden & more. She leads her international team of Creatively Fit Coaches who share her passion for living life as art. Whitney Freya has taught at The Esalen Institute, around the world at creativity conferences, Burning Man, Awesomeness Fest, and at Agape Spiritual Center. A % of her biz proceeds goes to supporting five children at R.I.S.E. Orphanage in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico and two women through the Women for Women Foundation.

Whitney Freya is the creatress behind all the programs here on Teachable. She is supported in Vision Quest + Super Soul Flow by CCFC Master Coach Angela Murray. She devotes her 1-on-1 and personal attention to her Creatively Fit Coaches (in training) and her 1-on-1 clients. Be sure to check out her YOUtube channel as well.

When asked, "What would you say to someone interested in this immersive experience with Whitney Freya?" this is what these Creatively Fit Coaches had to say...


Are you ready for your own creative transformation??

"You’ve help me be bold, brave & trust my intuitive nature. You keep inspiring me to follow my hearts desire. You are a fantastic communicator, you fire me up & you are filled with a possible world. Thank you for being in my life, Whitney Freya! I look forward on studying more with you in the New Year!"

- Estelle Thomson,

"This coaching program has so much to offer. I found my thinking and creative processes were challenged and expanded in a wonderful way. The activities are simple yet very powerful. While I started out doing this course because I was very excited about the possibilities of adding this style of coaching to my services, Life threw in other big things to deal with. My mum was very ill and passed away during this period and I used a number of the exercises to help ground and centre myself when I was very emotional and distraught. I would recommend the course to others who feel strongly that the art process is SO MUCH MORE than about making art products but an opportunity to tap our creative spirits. Whitney is a wonderful, positive, generous guide through this learning. Take the leap – you won’t regret it!"

- Michelle Walker, Art of Abundance

"Whitney’s Creatively Fit Coach Training program changed the way I teach art.

I have always known art has the power to transform, uplift and touch my own spirit, but struggled with how to share that with others. The tools Whitney’s course provided are the divining rod I can place into the hands of my students – allowing them to discover the deep well of their own creativity."

- Christine Pensa, Art That Moves

The NEW Creative Frequency Coach Training is an 8-month CCFC & is really more like a 8-month orientation. The opportunities to continue to learn and grow TOGETHER as a family of "CCFC" is never-ending.

In 2021 alone we have...

  • co-created our new Creatively Fit Coaches YouTube Channel to create a larger platform for all CCFC.
  • co-created the #24HourPaintJam course (available for $33 on this site) in which 11 CCFC led live, 2-hour workshops on Zoom and have their ongoing presence in the course.
  • met for a CCFC reunion in September 2021 in Abiquiu, NM, former home of Georgia O'Keefe.
  • collaborated together on video interviews (or Studio Musings or Studio Chats) that you can see on our YouTube Channel.

In the past, we have co-created products like the Elephant Love Postcard Box Set and the Super Soul Flow Coloring Book, both available on, met at retreats around the world, created "ART-reaches" (instead of outreach) like the YES Extravaganza and The Joy Palette and so much more!

In 7 months you will have woven into your life a powerfully inspiring foundation for HOWEVER you want to show up as a "Rainbow Warrior" in our world right now. We ONLY see possibility and are committed to being the wind beneath your wings!

This training is just the beginning... if you feel the call, you don't want to hesitate. You will know.

8.8 the NEW Training opens for registration. Stay tuned...