NEXT CCFC Training begins September 21st, 2024,

Course enrollment is limited.

In 2010, the Creatively Fit Coaching Training launched.

THAT was a long time ago!

600+ Creatively Fit Coaches later, the training has been recreated...

Thank you for watching this video 1st..

Get started now!

In 1996, I opened an art center in Nashville, TN, called The Creative Fitness Center, with ZERO art experience. I literally had not painted on a canvas since I was 9 (when the art teacher told me and my mom that “drawing isn’t Whitney’s thing."

My first trip to the art store, after a snide remark from another artist (people in Nashville were NOT happy that a young, untrained woman was opening an art center), included purchasing an easel… and then a big pad of paper and oil pastels– I was still afraid to buy a canvas!”

This experience of immersing myself in the art world without any art preparation was astounding.

I found myself learning, understanding, new aspects of painting and creativity as I took early, courageous steps at the canvas. We might call them “downloads” these days… in 1996 there was not even an email, social media or website presence. No one I knew in Nashville, TN was talking about energy, Quantum Physics, manifesting… and I was experiencing all of it as I said “YES!” to my own *Unstoppable Dream!

This past winter, 2024, I found myself saying to a coaching client, “I am still in awe of how transformative this painting practice is! It is so simple and fun AND it changes lives! I don’t know why!?”

And then I was given the answer…

Painting aligns you with the CREATIVE FREQUENCY and it is within this frequency that you align with, and are able to expand, the energies that are connected to all your highest desires and wishes for your most fulfilled life.

Fast forward…

...what we are experiencing today in this world is a result of forgetting the truth of our roles as Life Artists. We were conditioned to work, to achieve, to live up to others expectations. We are in our heads to the extent that our inner world is completely out of balance. Many are still following conditioning to play out the roles that others deemed “appropriate,” and are still expecting life to be a battle, a struggle, a series of to-do's (rather than to-be's)...and what the world needs now is to remember our truth: I AM Creative!

In September 2010, I launched the CCFC Training, the Creatively Fit Coach Training. While traveling in Australia during the winter of 2024, I received NEW insight around WHY this painting practice is SO transformational.

September 2024, 14 years later, the CCFC Training is completely NEW & updated. It's the "same" & totally new. It is all about the CREATIVE FREQUENCY.

We know today, scientifically & intuitively, that everything is energy. Everything vibrates. And we can tune in to different FREQUENCIES to access different levels of awareness, of consciousness, just like different radio frequencies. Through our painting practice, CCFC (Creative Frequency Coaches, as well as Creatively Fit Coaches) guide others into a Sacred & Personal Painting Practice that has a NEW emphasis on how life transforms and uplevels when you are aligned with the CREATIVE FREQUENCY.

As Dr. Joe Dispenza has proven, when you come into a heART / mind resonance, nurturing elevated states of emotion, you can CREATE from energy rather than matter. The Creative Frequency engaged through the CCFC Personal Painting Practice is the frequency of this Quantum level of life artistry.

It’s not about the product that is the finished painting, any particular skill or technique… it is the VIBRATION we enter into when we paint to access our highest CREATOR SELF, that is the portal to feeling into, nurturing and expanding WHATEVER change you desire in your life (that is in alignment with your highest & greatest good).

...YOU are a life coach, business coach, or any type of personal development facilitator.

...YOU are passionate about, engaged in, the healing arts as a nurse, yogini, Reiki practitioner, massage therapist.

...YOU are a counselor, therapist, etc.

...YOU have had your own personal & creative transformational journey with painting and want to share it with others.

...YOU would like to earn extra income doing what you love.

I have been given simple, sometimes funny, ways of understanding this truth.

*If you want to meditate, you don’t go sit on a busy street corner or turn up the nightly news station, you go somewhere you find peaceful, quiet.

*If you want to catch fireflies, you don’t go out in the middle of a cold, winter day, you wait for a summer night.

*If you want to release 5 pounds, you don’t go to a bakery or ice cream store.

*If you want to play tennis, you don’t go to the grocery store.

If you want ANY kind of change in your life, personal, professional, emotional, spiritual… you don’t focus on all your past experiences that have disappointed… YOU go into, YOU align with, YOU call in the CREATIVE FREQUENCY.

And the more time you spend in that Creative Frequency, the easier & easier it becomes to access the present moment where you are FREE from your past and connected to ALL POSSIBILITY!

CREATIVE FREQUENCY COACHES guide their clients into a new relationship with their Creative Selves, create SPACE that is non-judgmental, free & playful, and provide a consistent flow of creative, painting prompts to inspire a regular Sacred & Personal Painting Practice SO THAT more & more people are able to create from their heART into the ART that is their LIFE.

Get started now!

In “The Complete Book of Chakra Healing,” Cyndi Dale writes, “We are here to HEAL & to CREATE.”

There is a universal call right now to reclaim our infinitely creative nature.

Our Mother eARTh is crying out for change.

Our political systems are crying out for change.

Our economic systems are crying out for change.

Our human family, around the world, are crying out for change.

WE get to BE the change we want to see in our world.

BE change.

BE love, not fear.

BE creative…

In the beginning of his book, “The Four Agreements,” Don Miguel Ruiz shares that the original Toltec word for “human” is “artist.”

We have created this reality.

As Infinite Beings, we have created an epic challenge…

…to realize that we created this world experience, to remember our true creative nature, and to create a new world experience that is characterized by possibility, interconnectedness and LOVE.

Will YOU join us to awaken this inner creative knowing that is beating deep within the heARTs of each and every person on this planet?

Creative Frequency Coaches are the newest expression of the community of Creatively Fit Coaches, over 600 strong worldwide!

We are united in our shared passion & love of color, human potential, healing, play, and of living a life that dances with the mystery & is constantly expanding into new, more authentic and aligned, personal expressions!

We understand or feel, or just know somehow inexplicably, that art making and life making and happiness and personal fulfillment can be seeded, expanded, and ultimately created into our life experience starting at the canvas... within the CREATIVE FREQUENCY.

It is SO MUCH MORE FUN to be a part of a movement, to create change together, in community, cheering each other on while celebrating our “wild & crazy” ideas! We are a tribe and we are opening up the training to dramatically expand our creative reach.

This could be exactly what you have been looking for!

YOU are ready to realize your truest creative nature.

YOU are a teacher, a healer, a coach, a creative, an artist,

or… someone who is emerging from a chapter characterized more by the linear, logical, rational energies (like a corporate career or…)

and feels called to immerse yourself in a “blank canvas” life experience.

YOU don’t need to be an “artist,” or have any kind of painting experience because Creative Frequency Coaches attract to themselves others who do not consider themselves artists, painters or creatives.

YOU are attracted to themes of vibration, frequency, energy, possibility, potential, the New eARTh, expansion, (r) evolution…

If you are interested in learning how to develop (or expand) your own Sacred Personal Painting Practice that will empower and inspire you as a Life Artist and, then, in learning how to turn around and share this with others, making extra income along the way, then I have an invitation for you.

This Creative Frequency Coaching Training is designed in a way that is super targeted to help you to inspire our world, to make money doing what you love, to serve and heal the world from our creative wounds.

The Creative Frequency Coaching Training is…

  • 8 months long, with “membership” into a community, that has been co-creating since 2010, for a lifetime!
  • A personal journey first, so that you can share authentically from your own creative transformation.
  • Composed of pre-recorded online studio lessons, accessible 24/7 within our “online studio,” twice monthly training “Group Calls” led by Whitney Freya, Master CCFC (Certified Creative Frequency/ Creatively Fit Coach) Angela Murray & trained CCFC who serve as Guides.
  • Twice-monthly Zoom-style Open Studios facilitated by other CCFC to provide more opportunities to connect "live."
  • A private FB Group for the training & a collective CCFC FB group for your journey after the 8 month training.
  • Tailored to meet you where you are, whether you want specific structure & direction to “coach” others or the freedom to share the process with others as it “comes through you.”
  • Hands on, with elements in the training that create space for you to practice with others in the training, experience and then lead your own Zoom Open Studios, or begin to lead your own online or in person workshops.
  • Requires approximately 4 to 6 hours of your time & energy a week.






Included in the training is the online program, or coaching offering, Rise Above, A Transformational Painting Challenge.

This is a “biz-in-a-box” style asset so that you can immediately share, earn, inspire, expand, thrive… as a CCFC, Certified Creative Frequency Coach.

You could choose to offer Rise Above as an online program, on your own platform (like Teachable or Kajabi), as a coaching offer (guiding your clients through the process with videos, pdf’s already created for you), or as an in-person workshop series, retreat, etc. that includes the online version for ongoing inspiration and structure.

In the training, Whitney Freya guides you in exactly how to use the Rise Above content in the way that is most in alignment with your intentions.

CCFC are healers, wayshowers, bodyworkers, shamans, creatives, mothers, counselors, coaches...

Karen "Shama Mama" Adamski shares her experience here...

Create More Community is a special new art community collaboration with artists and creative coaches Angela Murray, Nadia Munarolo-Kurjarta and Kristen Fagan.

Enjoy one month for free by entering the code: CREATEFREE - link to join:

Get started now!


This is an 8 month training, organized by the 8 lessons in Rise Above, A Transformational Painting Challenge & the 8 principles of design.

Our "badge" is the "Freya Knot," two 8's next to each other, with an additional elipse that creates the symbol of the ATOM!

And 2024 is an 8 year.

Time to CREATE like an Infinite Being having a human experience... this is how we become UNSTOPPABLE!


The number 8... the symbol for infinity, is the unifying principle.

Each "level" is like a layer in the training.

Level I Rise Above . How to Be a Creative Frequency Coach

Each month in the 8-month training is focused on one of the 8 lessons in the newest online program, Rise Above, A Transformational Painting Challenge, and one of the 8 Principles of Design.

  • You will learn how to guide others through this 8-part process with multiple added "layers" to the themes of each month.
  • These "layers" are the same process, as expressed in Rise Above, and in different ways, with different mediums and different themes.
  • "Creative Frequency PROMPTS" & supporting lessons in the training are inspired by creative processes using watercolors (instead of acrylics), sacred geometry & more.
  • You will be aligning with and expanding your own CREATIVE FREQUENCY inspired by my online programs I AM the Unstoppable Dream, ART GYPSY GREECE & more.
  • There are two, 2-hour Group Training Zooms each month, one led by Whitney Freya & the other by CCFC Master Coach Angela Murray. They will include painting / Open Studio style instruction & practical training about coaching as a CCFC.
  • There will be bi-monthly Open Studios led by trained CCFC for added painting & connection time. The community of CCFC is FABULOUS! Every week there will be an opportunity to circle up LIVE.
  • And each month has different "Levels," or "layers," in our painting practice language, woven into the experience.

The intention of Level I is that you receive everything you need to guide others into their own CREATIVE FREQUENCY. If you love structure, your Rise Above Biz-in-a Box is exactly for you. If you want to weave these creative processes into your existing "medicine in your medicine bag" that is great too!

The full spectrum of structure to creative freedom is available to you!

Level II . Embodiment

This level is layered into Level I, happening in harmony with each month's lessons & prompts.

Each month you receive training on our 8-part Creative Frequency Qi Gong that you can use in any teaching, coaching, facilitating to help others get into their body, out of their head, and more centered in their heART.

CCFC Jacqui van Weel is a trained Qi Gong facilitator, an energy healer (since she was 15!), and an overall ah-mazing woman! She has created a unique to this training Qi Gong practice to facilitate our alignment with the Creative Frequency!


This level is layered into Level I & II, happening in harmony with each month's lessons & prompts.

CCFC Kim Sales, leads her own Sacred Soul Symbol Certification Program. In Month 2, you will learn a Symbol Wheel process that will help you to identify your significant symbols and teach you how to continue to dialog with the process AND use it as part of your own CCFC moving forward.

When you are living in alignment with the Creative Frequency, there is a symbolic language offered to you as guidance to support your steps along your most authentic and self-expressed pathway.

Level IV . Creative Biz Training & Rise Above Biz-in-a-Box

In our Group Training Zooms each month, you will be offered insight into and practices that can be used with your clients, students, friends...
In Months 7 & 8, you will be guided to open to receive how you share YOUR heART with the most grace & ease.
You may be interested in teaching or coaching in person, online, leading retreats, women's circles, a YouTube channel or in creating a body of work to share as an in-person or virtual exhibit to communicate what is most on your heART.
Our deepest understanding is that whether you already have coaching clients, already teach art or serve others in any other healing, embodiment, wellness capacity, YOU will have a way to share in our call to awaken as many Creative Spirits as possible.
We will help fill in the spaces and provide training & structure. You will also receive access to everything you need to know to launch your own version of Rise Above to your world.

The Training also includes the Creatives Making Money Online Program. This program is organized into 30 daily prompts to help you clarify, organize, and launch your 3-part video series.

Each prompt covers a different facet of online business & ARTivism including:

  • How to effectively network and connect with potential clients on social media.
  • How to organize leads & prospects.
  • How to create a logo.
  • How to create a service or program sales page.
  • How to introduce your creative self to the world.
  • How to communicate to your ideal client.
  • How to create lead magnets.
  • How to launch your video series / online program. And so much more!

Level V . Serve as a GUIDE in a CCFC Training

The Level V in the Training is the opportunity to serve as a GUIDE in a future training, once you have successfully completed your CCFC Training.

CCFC Guides lead Open Studio Zoom sessions, on top of being a presence and support in the private FB group throughout the training. This is an awesome opportunity for CCFC to show up as Creative Frequency Coaches in action. It is also a motivating factor to complete the training and qualify as a guide.

There is no additional charge to serve as a guide. This is included in this training.


There is also a private FB group just for your training group. This group is super active and dynamic.

  • Whitney and the other CCFC are are both super active moderators and if you miss a Group Call you share here and stay connected.

Then, the LARGE Private CCFC Group that you get to be a part of for life!

  • This tribe is always there for you with any questions, advice, examples, support, etc. We gather annually or every other year for super fun CCFC Only Retreats and there is ongoing training offered as well.
  • There are NO monthly fees to be a Certified Creatively Fit Coach or to have access to this community.

With all the new awareness around the role energetics in our overall well-being and the rise of intuitive creativity, replacing the product-oriented creative "story," more & more people are looking for a creative guide. If you are reading these words, I believe you have been uniquely prepared to meet these times with your heART wide open!

Join me in the creativeawakening.



How many people are in the training group?

There are is a maximum of 35 people in each training group. Whitney Freya and your CCFC Guides VERY high-touch and the connection amongst the group is tremendous. Just watch any of the testimonial videos on THIS PAGE to see how lit up CCFC are about the tribe!

When are the group calls?

We get to circle up in many different ways LIVE on Zoom. Approx twice a month you will join a GROUP CALL. Those calls are always held Thursdays at 2p PST / 5p EST because that is a time that also includes Europe and Australia / NZ.

Then, just in case you miss one of those, you can choose to attend optional bi-monthly "Open Studios" led by CCFC Guides. ALL CALLS are recorded. We circle up EVERY Thursday at 2p PST / 5p EST for either a Group Training Zoom or an Open Studio.

How much time do I need for this training?

We recommend 4 to 6 hours a week. More important is regular, short painting sessions, than a long session once a week. You also have one year to complete the training for certification.

Are there payment plans?

Yes! Just click the payment plan option.

What supplies do I need?

We do recommend one big 36" x 48" canvas for your main Creative Frequency Canvas or your Rise Above canvas. Or get as big a canvas as you can. Then, you have another canvas for your Creative Frequency Painting and a square canvas for a mandala painting process.

You can paint on a table or on a wall. Easels are fine, but Whitney almost never uses one. Then, an art journal with thick pages works great, a set of acrylic paints that includes white, black, magenta, yellow, red, cerulean blue are the basics. You can do everything with these colors. AND we do love some flourescent pink, payne's grey, metallic gold... Brushes, etc. We keep the supply list accessible and use economical products.

Is there an opportunity to work with Whitney 1-On-1?

There is! Upon registration you will be given the choice to add a Private Coaching Package with Whitney Freya. This includes four private, one hour sessions with Whitney Freya and two with CCFC Master Coach Angela Murray. This is intended for you if you are ready to launch yourself into the online painting / coaching arena firing on all cylinders. Whitney is personally a very high implementor, which means she will give you tailored tasks and assignments to launch and grow your income earning potential. For her, it is about setting aside your "historical self" and creating the art that is your biz from your "Infinite Self."

You are here to powerfully serve.

We are in tremendously transformational times and every person who learns to live her life as ART, with her as the ARTIST, is going to create exponential change.

Whitney's intuitive coaching enables her to see the unique way that YOU, and only YOU, are here to serve. She will help you to tailor your business in a way that feels supremely authentic and will lead to significant new income. Angela is a trained Life Coach and has worked full time as a corporate coach, as well as teaching innumerable art workshops, retreats and online courses.

Click HERE to read more about this uplevel to your Creatively Fit Coaching Training.

What if I want some extra accountability?

There is also another way to up-level your training if you know you want more personalized and tailored accountability and technical support.

The CCFC Training GUIDE Support Package includes a GUIDE assigned to you for regular, online check-in's to keep you on task and "web presence" coaching from another CCFC who loves supporting coaches as we create a solid foundation for a thriving online business. You will be offered more information about this package upon enrollment.


When you make it your "work" to inspire and empower others...

When you STUDY how to open up to more & more of your Creative Spirit...

When you are constantly encouraging others to express themselves authentically, in full color...


This Creative Frequency Coach Training Program is specifically designed for those who KNOW they want to use PAINTING, ART, IMAGINATION and MEDITATION to heal, to serve your clients, and to grow your business. OR you know you want to work with Whitney Freya in her inner circle, what you "do" with the certification upon completion is part of the mystery that you trust will reveal itself.

We are a TRIBE!

This training goes way beyond the 8 months.

The "training" is really more of an orientation. After the 7 month training is complete, there are ongoing free and paid trainings for CCFC only, collaborative marketing efforts to make sharing your offers fun & easy, the opportunity to serve as a CCFC Guide in one of the trainings, and much more.

For example, our 24 Hour Paint Jam (a course available to you on this site for $33) in April 2021 featured 11 other CCFC along with myself, Whitney Freya. Some of these coaches took the training years ago, others were still in the training. The YES Extravaganza was an all-out CCFC creation.

In each of these events, CCFC who participated all gained new "followers" and greater experience teaching online and more.

Your Coach

Whitney Freya
Whitney Freya

Whitney Freya is a published author, artist, entrepreneur & creative muse. Her latest book is Rise Above, Free Your Mind One Brush Stroke at a Time. It is an explosion of color, painting prompts and inspirational teaching for Life Artists! Her unique approach to personal creativity has garnered her international media attention, including CBS news & appearances alongside Dr. Wayne Dyer, Donna Eden & more. She leads her international team of Creatively Fit Coaches who share her passion for living life as art. Whitney Freya has taught at The Esalen Institute, around the world at creativity conferences, Burning Man, Awesomeness Fest, and at Agape Spiritual Center. A % of her biz proceeds goes to supporting five children at R.I.S.E. Orphanage in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico and two women through the Women for Women Foundation.

Whitney Freya is the creatress behind all the programs here on Teachable. She is supported in Vision Quest + Super Soul Flow by CCFC Master Coach Angela Murray. She devotes her 1-on-1 and personal attention to her Creatively Fit Coaches (in training) and her 1-on-1 clients. Be sure to check out her YOUtube channel as well.

When asked, "What would you say to someone interested in this immersive experience with Whitney Freya?" this is what these CCFC had to say...


Are you ready for your own creative transformation??

"Amazing... Magical... Inspiring... Fun-Loving... Kind... These are just a few of the abundance of words that spring forth when asked to describe Whitney Freya. I am Grateful every day that Our World is Full of Amazing Generous Creative Women like Whitney who are dedicated to strengthening and helping one another to Be more fully Alive in all aspects of Life including Our Businesses. When Whitney pops up in your Life with an opportunity to work with her that lines up with where your heart is leading you... Don't hesitate... Jump in and give yourself the gift of receiving her support. You will be forever grateful."

- Araya Divine,

"I just wanted to send you a quick thank you for the lessons you taught me (in the Creatively Fit Coaching Training) about TIME and letting go. My life is so rich, and your training really helped me to embrace each moment, transcend old paradigms about "busyness", and TRUST that where I am is right where I need to be."

-Stacy Parish,

"You’ve help me be bold, brave & trust my intuitive nature. You keep inspiring me to follow my hearts desire. You are a fantastic communicator, you fire me up & you are filled with a possible world. Thank you for being in my life, Whitney Freya! I look forward on studying more with you in the New Year!"

- Estelle Thomson,

"This coaching program has so much to offer. I found my thinking and creative processes were challenged and expanded in a wonderful way. The activities are simple yet very powerful. While I started out doing this course because I was very excited about the possibilities of adding this style of coaching to my services, Life threw in other big things to deal with. My mum was very ill and passed away during this period and I used a number of the exercises to help ground and centre myself when I was very emotional and distraught. I would recommend the course to others who feel strongly that the art process is SO MUCH MORE than about making art products but an opportunity to tap our creative spirits. Whitney is a wonderful, positive, generous guide through this learning. Take the leap – you won’t regret it!"

- Michelle Walker, Art of Abundance

"Whitney’s Creatively Fit Coach Training program changed the way I teach art.

I have always known art has the power to transform, uplift and touch my own spirit, but struggled with how to share that with others. The tools Whitney’s course provided are the divining rod I can place into the hands of my students – allowing them to discover the deep well of their own creativity."

- Christine Pensa, Art That Moves

I want to emphasize that this 8-month CCFC Training is really more like a 8-month orientation. The opportunities to continue to learn and grow TOGETHER as a family of CCFC is never-ending.

In 2023/24 alone we have...

  • co-created the YES Extravaganza, to introduce as many people as possible in as easy a way as possible to the our Personal Painting Practice.
  • co-created the #24HourPaintJam - 2024 course (available for $66 on this site) in which 17 CCFC led live, 2-hour workshops on Zoom and have their ongoing presence in the course.
  • met for a retreat in Joseph, OR in September 2022 & '23.
  • collaborated together on art membership groups, YouTube interviews, & more.

In the past, we have co-created products like the Elephant Love Postcard Box Set and the Super Soul Flow Coloring Book, both available on, met at retreats around the world, created "ART-reaches" (instead of outreach) like the Festival of Feminine Power + Artistry and The Joy Palette and so much more!

In 8 months you will have woven into your life a powerfully inspiring foundation for HOWEVER you want to show up as a "Rainbow Warrior" in our world right now. We ONLY see possibility and are committed to being the wind beneath your wings!

This training is just the beginning... if you feel the call, you don't want to hesitate. You will know.

Here's to your most authentic and inspired YOU!

Get started now!