Watch this video first...
What might happen if you simply put the brush to paper each day for 21 days? What if you let go of the inner critic, the need to judge, or protect yourself from criticism by criticizing yourself first?
You only need 8 to 10 minutes each day. By the completion of this challenge, you will be more centered and in your flow than ever! Painting is meditation. Scientific research has proven that creative and meditative activity produce the same brain waves. In this challenge, we explore watercolors and immerse ourselves in creative flow.

The process is simple, relaxing and inspiring.
Each day you will immerse yourself in an experience of pure color, sound, and flow. Meditative music, instrumental accompanies each 5-8 minute video by artists Rich Goodhart, Laraaji, and Steven C. Anderson. Whitney Freya & her Creatively Fit Coaches will be coaching you, guiding you, cheering you on…throughout our 21 Days of FULL Color together through our private FB group and in the comments below each day’s meditation!!!

Whitney Freya is a published author, artist, entrepreneur & creative muse. Her latest book is just out! Rise Above, Free Your Mind One Brush Stroke at a Time is an explosion of color, painting prompts and inspirational teaching for Life Artists! Her unique approach to personal creativity has garnered her international media attention, including CBS news & appearances alongside Dr. Wayne Dyer, Donna Eden & more. She leads her international team of Creatively Fit Coaches who share her passion for living life as art. Whitney Freya has taught at The Esalen Institute, around the world at creativity conferences, Burning Man, Awesomeness Fest, and at Agape Spiritual Center. Whitney Freya is the creatress behind all the programs here on Teachable. She is supported in Vision Quest + Super Soul Flow by CCFC Master Coach Angela Murray. She devotes her 1-on-1 and personal attention to her Creatively Fit Coaches (in training) and her 1-on-1 clients. Be sure to check out her YouTube channel as well.
Get started now!
- When does the course start and finish?
The 21 Day Painting Meditation Course is always open. This is the perfect time to join!
- What supplies do I need?
Whitney recommends the following:
- Pelikan Watercolor Set - These colors are gorgeous and bold. These are the same colors Whitney uses in the videos.
- Watercolor Journal - This Strathmore journal is the one you will see Whitney use and the paper is nice and thick--it will not ripple. 9x12" size recommended.
- Watercolor Brushes - Any kind of watercolor brush works. This set is nice and affordable.
- OPTIONAL: Masking Fluid - Whitney uses masking fluid to create sacred symbols for the base of some of the exercises.
- OPTIONAL: Your set of Artual Sacred Symbol Stencils - We explore each of these symbols starting in Day #8 of our challenge. You do not NEED them to participate, AND I use these ALL the time to layer the energy I desire into my paintings. Check them out HERE.
- How long do I have access to the course?
How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.
- What if I am unhappy with the course?
We would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, contact us in the first 30 days and we will give you a full refund.
Play the video below to see what people are saying...